Phone: (62) 688 8742 / 687-5561 Email:

Feeding Outreach @ Rosemary Lane, Pasig

“When GOD begins a work in you, He doesn’t stop until it is finished. You are a work in progress & you are making progress!” 🙂


Life is a gift and God gave us this gift for a reason. We may not have all the power to control the negative things happening around us, but we always have a choice to react with love & make things better.

This special Feeding Outreach for the children of Rosemary Lane is an expression of our desire to make things better. In the middle of extreme poverty in this area, we have shown that there’s still something we can do. Thank you JFM Partners for continuously praying & helping us do these outreaches for them. You have invested another beautiful day in the lives of these children & their family. God bless you all.



Creative Miracle Designs | Joseph Feeding Mission Outreach Foundation Inc. | 2024 All Rights Reserved.